Monday, March 30, 2009

Rusty Love At the Repair Shack

Another submission, up for voting on Threadless:

The Artist kindly requests your assistance. You know the drill? Scroll to the bottom of this post. If not, read on:

Here's the deal: I need people to click the button below and vote. You'll have to set up a login, if you've never been on the site, but it's pretty quick. Once you're logged in, on the page where my design's showing, you can click the boxes, "I'd buy this as a tee" or " a print." Then click a number for the score (I would suggest "5," which is the highest score).

SO, If you'd be so kind, please click the button below, log in, and give me a nice, high score.

RIGHT NOW, please, before you forget.


My Submission

Friday, March 20, 2009

new price

I'll probably update with a more elaborate version, but this is what I'm starting with:

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Not based on anyone. Trying for a Queen Latifah type of bearing:

The preliminary:
The initial rough:

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Hey! I've got this up as a t-shirt design on Threadless:

Here's the deal: I need people to click the button below and vote. You'll have to set up a login, if you've never been on the site, but it's pretty quick. Once you're logged in, on the page where my design's showing, you can click the boxes, "I'd buy this as a tee" or " a print." Then click a number for the score (I would suggest "5," which is the highest score).

SO, If you'd be so kind, please click the button below, log in, and give me a nice, high score.

RIGHT NOW, please, before you forget:

My Submission

Saturday, March 07, 2009


Ummm... this was supposed to be about the belly, but I got carried away when I picked up the brush:

And this was the initial brushwork:

The Kids In Dubai

Thursday, March 05, 2009


EDIT. After:


Sunday, March 01, 2009